I can help you move forward to the life you want - the steps below explain how
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Reduce Emotional / Physical Pain

Using knowledge and skills I learned in RTT training, I facilitate a conversation with your unconscious mind to help you understand emotional beliefs that affect you today.  RTT helps you to end that connection, so you can move towards living the life you want.
If you have a physical issue, RTT can help you visualise moving towards wellness, to reduce pain and symptoms.
I help you end looping thoughts and change the words you say to yourself, to help you empower yourself.

Scientific research has shown that your mind can heal your body.  See the FAQ page for resources.

Visit FAQs

Session Outline - The Steps to Changing Your Life

Step 1
Mindset Discovery

Some memories from your past may have a negative effect on your life today. Even if you don’t consciously remember, your subconscious mind remembers everything.

I guide you to a deeply relaxed state (hypnosis), so you can focus your subconscious mind on the issue you want to resolve.  In this safe space, we can quickly discover the root cause of the subconscious belief that is sabotaging your life today.  

A view from a stone window over looking a farm and small town.

Step 2
Mindset Understanding

We will ask your inner mind for answers about your issue - the answers will be in the form of memories

I will guide you through a series of steps to allow you to understand how your interpretation of past events is influencing you today.  

You gain an understanding of your issue, which will allow you to let go.

Step 3
Mindset Revision

Since your life experiences created your mindset, you have the power to revise your beliefs about yourself. Changing your mindset leads to phenomenal freedom to let go of what has been holding your back and move on.   

For physical issues, letting go of emotional pain from the past reduces a burden on the immune system and lets the body focus more energy on healing damaged cells.

Step 4 Transformation

We become what we believe. Revising your beliefs about yourself will change your environment and the feedback will reinforce the power of your new beliefs.

We will finish the session with an empowering, personalised, transformational recording aiming to imprint new, positive and constructive beliefs/thoughts so you can achieve the results we discussed - It’s crucial that you listen at least once a day for 28 days.

This process begins with you.
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Contact NEW YOU with Dorothy Drew to schedule your Hypnotherapy Strategy Session to set a plan for your success.